Monday, January 22, 2007

What do you do when you hit a limit within, when you lose all pretense of civility? what happens when you get pushed to the edge by those you once cared for and loved? Who's there to tell you they're there for you still? That it doesn't matter who says what to you, that when you've reached journey's end, all that you've sacrificed and given for their sake is appreciated. Who's there to say that for all the mistakes i've made, i was never that far from their minds. People think I'm just your average joe, without the talent or personality to stand a notch above the rest, as they think they do. Perhaps they do. Maybe I am a lesser being as compared to them. But what if, just if, what if i'm not? I've worked hard to be who people want me to be. I've tried to excel at what i do, I've tried to be diplomatic. But it hasn't worked. I'm reaping what i've sown, which is deception, lies and betrayals. I tried to ease your transition back, but you turned around and shot me when i tried to pull myself back up. I've fallen, oh yes i've fallen. I've fallen all the way back down to the shadows and i doubt i'll be able to climb back up anymore. I've reached my limit, its beyond my physical and mental abilities to simply dish out my forgiveness and make my way slowly back up like i've done before. You're good, really good.
In truth it was i who was betrayed.
Still i am hunted
Still i am hated
You helped engineer my fall from grace, and you clipped my wings to ensure i would never be able to rise. But I will seek to remind you, that even after i've fallen, i can still rise again like the proverbial phoenix of myth. I seek to remind you, that Lucifer fell from grace as well, and remember who Lucifer became. Even whilst i wallow in the shadows i'll be getting my own back. Watch out for it, Betrayer. You may soon find yourself reaching the pinnacle, but remember, once you're there, there's no where to go but down. And by George we're going to bring you back down to Earth.
After alls been said and done, its time to change. Many will not like this persona i've morphed into, but thats just too bad isn't it? Without a glimmer of hope for the near future, perhaps its time to pay the piper. The time for you to pity yourself has come and gone, worm. You've had your share of support to bring you up, so come on back down to play, bitch. The dogs will be waiting. You gave no quarter, so you can expect none.
Auf weidersehen
The frigid darkness descends upon you,
and you see now that you needed us to keep the light to you


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