Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I'm bored. yes, bored. My lungs are bored too, or so it seems, 'cause if my light headedness is anything to go by, my lungs have definately grown tired of expanding and contracting all the time. pffffft. i would suffer from a serious case of ennui too, with such an existance, but since its MY lungs which decided to go on holiday, i'm not going to be so charitable. ah... sweet air. *must* *breathe* or maybe not. hmmm it feels almost as if i'm subconciously mimicing someone's writing style. suffice to say, i think that this isn't very "me". Something just doesn't feel right. I've an awkward habit of mimicing the writing style and speech patterns of others, and it gets oh so annoying when i subconciously begin doing so. hello lois. you're sitting in front of me. hello!

ngeah ok the following part is a lois production, proudly brought to you by lois, in conjunction with Apple Computers and Mensa 2 Japanese Food. Oh and derek being annoying while said author was working.

hello derek!you went to print your assignment and i'm such a possessive bitch that i'm typing my inane useless and terribly arbitrary thoughts here.

how have you been? i've never really liked that question. why look back at the past and plough through episodes of never ending sorrow when you can instantly ask, how are you? you see, thats, PRESENT tense. yet you see, i lie. i DO like the question how have you been. it grounds me and i especially like the fact that i'll be able to tell my life story to some unsuspecting person totally unrelated to past episodes. this way, when i ramble on about my life as its been so far, a few other things come to past and my faults are inadvertantly hi-lighted.

i don't like asking people how they are though because protocol and society's propriety would fuel them to reply with a submissive, fine. then, the conversation just stagnates and travels the (intended) plauteau (in the first place). people don't usually put in effort when talking to people that they're not romantically involved with. we however, must eradicate the generation that is guilty of this.


there can only be construction with destruction. so let us raise our pewter encrusted cups in agreement.let us destroy ourselves so that we can re-invent us all.

and another thing, its not that our parents don't understand us. its just that we've never seen our parents as people, as people who've lived a life before becoming our ma and pa. they have names, they have a life, some more spectacular than others of course. we may respect them, we may hate their guts but one thing's for certain. we ought to treat them like people and not figures in the moulding of our lives before we judge,

thank you and have a nice day.


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