Friday, November 09, 2007

Words are cheap. You make them so.

I think I can truly say I understand how difficult cold turkey is. The trigger that knocks you right off the ladder after a long and ardous climb can come at the damnest of times, and from the most unassuming of things. I'm supposed to just walk away from the car crash that I could use to describe our end, but I can't help but stare over my shoulder, and wonder how far we could have driven on had I not been under the influence. DUI they call it. Drunk, Useless, Insensitive is what I was. God, as always, on hindsight things were so simple, it was so easy to avoid all the mistakes we made, it was so easy not to screw up. Well, you screwed up bub, get used to it. I had hoped that blogging would make me feel better, letting it out and all, guess once again, I can't be as succinct and effusive enough to lay it bare and heal. As I've heard so many times this week, the Show Must Go On. And so it shall, as best as it can.
Auf weidersehen.


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