Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I don't like my timetable, I don't like the way things are, and I sure as hell don't like you.
Nothing to be done about that now no? I think they're right. It isn't all white and black. There is no clear defined line that seperates the 2 differents states. As is the case in this messed up little world we live in, we can never really be either. Rather, we exist in a state of flux, oscillating between the two states as circumstances dictate. Some believe we have the ability to choose. Others believe it is our God given right. I believe that one has the ability to choose, but the ultimate choice lies in the untrustworthy hands of those with which you deal. If it so suits them, they might concur with your decision. Should it not, then the stronger one will come out on top. Of course, it isn't the stronger one who comes up tops. It's the one who's willing to settle for his or her lot in life, to be happy with what he's got, though not neccessarily contented. Or perhaps it is the one who is willing to compromise the lot of another in order to improve his or her own. One who will not let someone else's interests get in the way of his or her own. Who really? And Which one of those are we? Or are we the ones who lose out, the ones who have sacrificed our own dreams so that the dreams of others may live on? Or perhaps we are both?
But what does it matter? Yet still we struggle to make a difference, to change the world. To dream of hope, never knowing for certain who we will meet along the way, who among the world of strangers will hold our hand, touch our hearts, and share the pain of trying.
And in that spirit, I give in to a very simple need. The simple human need to find a kindred, to connect and to know in our hearts, that we are not alone.
I want to walk on the side of my choosing, I don't want to face the uncertainty and insecurity of that deep and terrible grey any longer.

Auf weidersehen

Ich liebe Sie


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