Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sith Philosophy

"Without strife, your victory has no meaning. Without strife, you do not advance. Without strife, there is only stagnation."-Yuthura Ban
How do we grow? How do we overcome our limitations and obstacles in life? People have always said that the only way to move forward was to face our fears, but sometimes, it just doesn't seem to work. Well perhaps it goes down to how willing the individual is to embrace that fear and turn it back on itself. Using it to force the individual to change, grow, and evolve. Traditionally in fictional universes, its the bad guys who use this to justify all they do, but truly, we suscribe to this school of thought far more than is healthy, at times. Conflict does, however, ensure that only the strong attain their goals, leading us down the path to perfection. Well by perfection, in this case, we're going to have to leave out sympathy. As it has been so aptly put by others, "Sentients only deserved what they were strong enough to take and those too weak to protect themselves were fair game."
Ah damn it. I'll continue this post another time. I'm distracted. Which is good.
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