Thursday, May 03, 2007

After a rather extensive hiautus from this dusty land, i've decided to spam a little. I think and i think and i think, and nothing changes. Looks like brain power isn't good for much. I've spent quite some time and brain juice running and re-running the scenario through nonetheless, and the only result i've got from that is turning my brain into something nasty. Anyway to sum up things, the present circumstances really sucks the big one.
I've got quite a plethora of thoughts roiling around in my melting pot of a mind at the moment, but its getting pretty challenging to bring them down into words without being indiscreet. Don't suppose I could do with more reading, now? My literary prowess seems to be waning at a rather fearsome pace. My hopes are waning along side, my hopes for a rather unrelated matter. Perhaps i was expecting too much, perhaps I thought too much, perhaps its all simply a matter for jest, which ever the case may be, I'm seriously feeling like shite at the moment. Had i been sane, I'd have decided upon a course of action and taken it upon my self to see it unto the end. Oh well, I shall remain a mildly retarded, senile and dememted spirit wandering the school grounds. Holy water, anyone?
I've not really blogged about FO yet, have I? Everyone's been blogging raving about how wonderful it was, what a great learning experience it provided, how enlightened they were at the end of it all, the joy of having met all those people and what not. I wish i could say the same. Believe me, i want nothing more than to truthfully say that it was a helluva Freshmen Orientation, and that I loved it. But hey ho, let's go, its not the case. Suffice to say while this year's FO had its bright moments, there were way too many moments when i felt like murdering a whole lot of people for the lack of a more suitable means of displaying my considerable displeasure. But being the consumate optimist, i shall focus on the bright side of things! I met quite a few lovely people this year, each in their own respect. Thank god for them, or there'd be just about nothing else to prevent me from going under with the absolutly abysmal conduct of the GLs.
Alright then, there's not much to say for now. Rather, I haven't quite figured how to couch the remaining thoughts in presentable english yet, so its about time for me to be off then. I find myself yearning for your presence by my side once more. Leave events to weave their own intricate web between the rather dingy pillars of my existance. Auf weidersehen, dear vonlichenstein
How now, brown cow?


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